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“We've built on stuff we learned in 8th grade, so going into high school has felt more gradual.” - Iron Academy Student

Iron Academy’s proprietary Targeted Learning methodology builds mastery by teaching according to how the brain works, organically through the four levels of thinking, as shown in this chart.

Building gentleman scholars is highly unlikely without an understanding of how to best develop higher-order critical thinking skills and how to take advantage of God-designed differences in young men and women.

Targeted Learning provides Iron Academy with an exceptional educational philosophy that staff, students, and families can embrace, understand, and evaluate.

Targeted Learning addresses the four most important questions:

• MRI technology has revealed what may seem obvious, albeit woefully unaddressed, to effective educators. Knowledge builds upon knowledge and intellectual skills build upon previously developed intellectual skills. Knowledge is the first step of building true learning. Next comes the capacity to sort, classify, and organize newly gained knowledge into more useful information. Afterward, the brain is able to further elicit pattern recognition to include such faculties as recognizing complex similarities and differences, comparing/contrasting, identifying underlying assumptions, and identifying most/least essential arguments. Finally, the brain is ready to begin tackling the most complex thinking skills—synthesis, evaluation, and creation.

• We know of no more accurate methodology for optimizing learning and matching how God designed the brain to learn than Iron Academy’s Targeted Learning. If we did, we would adopt it.

• Each unit of study at Iron Academy begins with targeting the higher-order critical thinking skills to be developed within the context of the curriculum. The development of those skills is what informs the teacher’s development plan for the entire unit. Success is measured largely in terms of how successful the student is in achieving the identified critical thinking skills. If a unit of study does not specifically target those skills and there is no methodology in place to hit that target, the achievement of those skills is accidental at best. A superb education is never an accident.

• We know of no finer methodology for the development of higher-order critical thinking skills anywhere in the world. If we did, we would adopt it.

• An academic environment must recognize the developmental differences between young men and women and the differences in learning preferences between men and women. Intellectual optimization cannot happen in a one-size-fits-all, unisex educational environment. An institution can achieve good outcomes, but not truly superb results. Young men learn better when instruction is highly engaging, often correlates with real-life application, is frequently interrupted with vigorous exercise, is delivered by teachers whose students know care for them deeply, occasionally incorporates competition and teamwork, and regularly engages in open inquiry.

• Academic content should promote a biblical worldview, transfer an appreciation of and facility with the treasures of Western cultural heritage, prepare a young man to thrive intellectually, and build a well-educated and capable citizen.

Happy New Year!