“I like how everyone is on the same level. 6th and 12th graders have the same opportunities. Younger guys have just as much of a voice as older guys.” - Iron Academy Student
Iron Academy has created a student-directed leadership structure that will provide us with opportunities to build all of our students into better leaders, shepherds, more self-disciplined young men, and disciples better equipped to serve others. Expect great things to come from this intentional leadership training at Iron Academy and for our students to reflect the guidance that will support your strong efforts at home.
The student body elects peers for the following positions:
School Leader: Works closely with the staff to oversee the culture of the school, leads daily Convocation, acts as the student representative for any conduct issues.
School Marshall: Assists the School Leader, fills his position in the event of his absence, assists in tracking conduct issues.
Tribe Leader: Responsible for all members of his tribe, oversees chores.
All Challenge Coin-holding students in High School are expected to act in the following roll:
Keepers: Responsible for 1-3 students in middle school or high school students without a Challenge Coin. A Keeper is expected to meet with his “keepees” several times a week to disciple them and shepherd them through intentional relationship building.
Students in leadership positions meet regularly with staff and volunteers for guidance and training on what biblical leadership looks like.
Students not in official leadership positions are often given opportunities to practice leadership skills and grow in areas outside their comfort zones. Every student at Iron Academy is recognized for their unique, God-given attributes for leading, whether it's serving behind-the-scenes or being up front during Convocation. Everyone leads, it's just a matter of how.